MSgt Kleibscheidel is a 30 yer plus member of CAP, having served in multiple roles both in and out of HMRS to include; Squadron Commander, Deputy Cmmander for Cadets, Operations Officer, Emergency Services Officer and Health Services Officer. He has served at HMRS as a lead Instructor for the Field Medic Course, Aircrew Survival Course and as a Squadron commander. He holds a Masters Rating in Health Services and a Senior rating in Emergency Services. He holds specialty qualifications as a Ground Team Leader and Ground Branch Director and is qualified as an advanced Ranger and Master Medic in the HMRS program. He is retired from the US Military where he served as US Army Combat medic and a USAF Aeromedical Evacuation Technician, Special Operations Medical Element Medical Technician and as the NCOIC of Medical Education and Training and CAP Reserve Assistance Program NCO. He is a Certified Flight Paramedic, Wilderness Paramedic, Firefighter, Rescue Technician, and EMS instructor as well as a specialty instructor for ACLS, PALS, PHTLS and TECC
MSgt Mark Kleibscheidel
Medical Section Chief