CMSgt Cory Felts
First Sergeant
As the HMRS First Sergeant, CMSgt Felts is directly responsible to the Commander for all personnel health, wellness, and morale concerns. He advises the Commander on discipline issues during the school as well as supervises the CAP professional development of the key HMRS staff.
Incident Commander 3 | Advanced Ranger
Maj Beata Wirth
Medical Section Chief
Maj Wirth is responsible for the physical health and wellbeing of all students and staff at HMRS and supervises all medical personal at the activity. She is also responsible for overseeing the planning and execution of all medic program courses.
Ground Team Leader | Master Medic #24 | Expert Ranger #257
Lt Col Ruth Bordner
Admin/Finance Section Chief
Lt Col Bordner is senior responsible for all administrative and finance functions of the school. She is the face of HMRS through the application process and ensures administrative accountability for all students and staff.
Finance/Admin Section Chief | Instructor
C/1st Lt Michael Eppler
Cadet Deputy Commander
Cadet Eppler assists the Cadet Commander in the planning and execution of all cadet training and activities.
Ground Team Member 1| Medic 1st Class | Ranger First Class
C/1st Lt Jona King
Cadet Executive Officer
The Cadet Executive Officer supports the cadet leadership team with all administrative and management support functions to ensure effective execution of cadet training programs.
Ground Team Member 1 | Ranger First Class
Squadron Leadership
Alpha Squadron (Advanced)
TBA (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
Bravo Squadron (Cadet Basic)
TBA (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
Charlie Squadron (Cadet Basic)
TBA (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
Delta Squadron (Cadet Basic)
TBA (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
Golf Squadron (Cadet Basic)
TBA (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
Hotel Squadron (Aircrew Survival)
Lt Col Brian Porter
India Squadron (Incident Leadership)
Maj Christopher Porter
Mike Squadron (Field Medic)
TBA (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
Sierra Squadron (Senior Basic)
Tango Squadron (Team Commanders)
Uniform Squadron (UAS Operators Course)
1st Lt Robert Grover
Whiskey Squadron (Field Communicators)
1Lt Galen Hall (Senior) | TBA (Cadet)
X-Ray Squadron (Independent Study)
Unit Leaders
Training Unit Leader
Communications Unit Leader
2d Lt Susan Wilfong
Transportation Unit Leader
Capt Leander Adams
Meals & Supply Unit Leader
Maj Sharon Scheller
Tower Unit Leader
1st Lt Stephen Rice
Activity Project Officers
Weekend Ranger Staff Training
Maj Aaron LaMantia
Field Training Exercise
Capt Brandon Webber
First Aid / Communication Weekend
Maj Beata Wirth / Maj Aaron Lamantia
Navigation Weekend
Capt Brandon Webber
Emergency Services Weekends
Capt Matt Chirik / Maj Heather Weiss
Ropes Instructor Courses
1st Lt Stephen Rice​