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HMRS Summer School Day 3

One rousing way to start the day is to work out with your squadron and take a run through Hawk Mountain Ranger School's obstacle course. If that didn't wake you up, then the squadron running or the game of Three Ball Soccer, all to the sound of upbeat music, surely will.

That adrenaline-inducing morning routine was how students started their day today. After they finished with the physical training, they went straight into their classes and hands-on training. The squadrons rotated which classes they participated in. For example, yesterday, Squadron Alpha and Squadron Bravo learned about navigation, and today they learned about fire building. It was Squadron Charlie and Squadron Sierra who got to experience the navigation training today.

In the evening, an ambulance from Northampton Regional EMS arrived to show the medical training squadron, Squadron Mike, the key components of an ambulance for in case they ever brought a patient to one on a mission. The Paramedic also talked about good techniques used to keep patients calm and what information the EMTs or Paramedics would need from the rescuers.

While the school is still in the early stages, students are demonstrating the drive necessary to maintain focus throughout the week and learn everything they can.

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