Alumni of The Medic Program Offers Matching Scholarship Funds up to $5,000.00.
The Hawk Mountain Ranger School’s Medic Staff is pleased to announce the Field Medic Scholarship Fund. Our goal is for each Field Medic student to only have to pay $100 tuition. To reach this goal, we need to raise $10,000 per year.
Now here’s the exciting news—Senior Member Mike Kling, who completed his Field Medic training in 1975, has pledged to match each dollar up to $5000. With this generous donation, we only have to raise $5,000!
Donations to CAP are eligible for deductions from income** and need to be received by 1 March of each year for summer school.
You may contribute to the Field Medic Scholarship Fund in two ways: Send a check payable to “Civil Air Patrol” with “HMRS Medic Scholarship” on the memo line to PA Wing CAP Headquarters, Building 3-108, Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville, PA 17003. Donate online at with the “Donate” button at the bottom right corner, and select “Medic Scholarship Fund.”
For more information, please email
** For information on charitable contributions to Civil Air Patrol, a 501(c)(3) organization, please see CAP tax exempt information. Donations to CAP are eligible for deductions from income by donors as “charitable contributions” to the extent allowed by law.